
Interview with Paolo Nespoli

Fly Mi EUROAVIA Milan had the incredible opportunity to have Paolo Nespoli, former astronaut and now professor at the Politecnico di Milano, as guest speaker on Monday, May 8, 2023.

The conversation with him was very interesting. The astronaut talked about his life, from his childhood dreams of going into space (with the goal of doing lunar rover drifts) to his time in the military to his space adventures on the Space Shuttle and International Space Station (ISS).
There was no shortage of amusing anecdotes, such as the visit of the Pope to the Vatican, where astronauts and cosmonauts had a special space suit as a gift for the pontiff.

It all ended with a valuable piece of advice, crowned with the motto of life: “DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE”, because this is the only way to overcome (one’s) limitations and to make a difference!

We would like to thank Paolo Nespoli for spending time with us, his words were truly inspiring and encourage us to strive for self-improvement!