The Aethra project was developed and completed during the 2022/23 academic year.
Once the main constraints were identified, an aircraft was designed and built with the following characteristics: medium wing, single trailing edge propeller, tail planes in traditional configuration, and carbon fiber components.
Technical Specs:
Fuselage length: 2.4 m;
Wing span: 4.8 m;
MTOW: 12 kg;
Structure weight: 8 kg;
Tail span: 1.2 m;
Height of vertical plane: 0.54 m.
Other characteristics:
Based on structural and aerodynamic considerations, we chose an SD 7062 profile for the wings and a NACA 0013 for the tail.
The drone has flaps, ailerons, horizontal stabilizers and rudder. Ailerons occupy the outer wing, flaps the inner one. During takeoff and landing the ailerons are used as additional flaps. The horizontal stabilizer runs the full length of the tail; the rudder occupies 90% of the height of the vertical plane.